And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.
John 6:35
The Bread of Life Club is a passionate and dedicated group of monthly givers on a mission to help expand our ability to feed more families in Lake Elsinore and the surrounding communities.
Your monthly-recurring donation positively impacts our communities by helping the U.R. Important Foundation feed more people because we believe that no one should ever go hungry.
Whether you give $10, $25, or $50 per month, your commitment will help extend our reach and bring hope to those experiencing hardships.
In March of 2021, a family of five working adults found themselves unexpectedly out of work and out of finances due to COVID. Brenda's family pulled their money together to make sure they kept a roof over their heads, but sadly there wasn't much left for groceries.
Brenda saw one of our "Grab-N-Go" Food Distribution posts on Facebook and knew she needed to show up. So, with the family's last $10 in her hand to donate to U.R.I.F. (a donation is not a requirement to receive food), Brenda came to the monthly food distribution and received an ample amount of food for her family.
"I was so thankful that the U. R. Important Foundation was able to help us. I received so much food that day that I was able to stretch it out until the next month's "Grab-N-Go."

Brenda still comes to the monthly "Grab-N-Go's" because only two family members are back to work, and things are still tough for them financially. Thanksgiving was no exception. To ensure her family would have a Thanksgiving dinner, Brenda came to U.R.I.F., where she received everything she needed for a hearty dinner! To top it off, she also received unexpected blessings of food from neighbors.
Because of Brenda's amount of food, she put together two food boxes and posted her desire to give the food to families in need on social media. She received plenty of responses to her post. As a result, Brenda was able to help a new, recently unemployed young mother and another woman who had been off of work due to illness and didn't have money to buy Thanksgiving dinner.
We are encouraged by Brenda's willingness to help others when she often needs help herself!